Footbike and health

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Five reasons to go on a footbike trip.

Autor: KOSTKA - kolobka v: Footbike and health Počet zobrazení: 13320
Although for years we have been accustomed to going on hiking trips around the country either on foot or on bicycles, the popularity of touring scooters with...

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How does a footbike help shape the figure?

Autor: KOSTKA - kolobka v: Footbike and health Počet zobrazení: 16700
Summer is starting, but that doesn't mean it's not time to do something about your figure. No one wants to sweat in the nice weather at the gym. There are,...

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Neděle Pondělí Úterý Středa Čtvrtek Pátek Sobota Leden Únor Březen Duben Květen Červen Červenec Srpen Září Říjen Listopad Prosinec

Health and fitness, a surprising study...

Autor: KOSTKA - kolobka v: Footbike and health Počet zobrazení: 7087
A scientific study undertaken by Czech experts has confirmed that riding a footbike has a fundamental impact on health, directly influences general mobility...

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