Bikepacking gear / bags / pouches
Do you ride your footbike for major shopping? Do you take longer, full-day or multi-day trips for which you need to be properly equipped? Then you can buy a bag you can attach to your footbike and you can use for storage of all your necessities. Some bags are attached to the fender, so you need them for the installation as well. Other bags are placed on the frame tube, handlebars or stem.
If you need to store your footbike at home and don't want your footbike to make a mess, you can choose from our range of footbike carrying bags or pouches.
Useful and elegant bags
These bags of various size can be used for many purposes. Smaller models can be sufficient only on shorter trips. Those are only for the most important things as wallet, phone, snack or a small jacket. But the bigger bags can carry e.g. spare parts or a sleeping bag. Two of the main advantages of these nicely designed bags are perfectly prepared storage room and easy manipulation. Moreover, the bag can be quickly dismounted. They fit perfectly for the footbikes KOSTKA. The bags are made of washable material, so that their maintenance is simple.